Secret 10: Reduce Roulette Losses

Skip Roulette Losing SPINS and Reduce Roulette Losses (secret 10)

IMPORTANT: This is a partial secret revealed (it is NOT the full secret, just a preview). In order to read the full secret about “how to skip roulette losing spins in order to reduce roulette losses”, you need to purchase a license. More about the 25 secrets to WIN at roulette you can find on: the 25 SECRETS to WIN at Roulette

Do you realize that during a roulette session your instinct automatically is searching to bet on all spins? If you search to reduce your roulette losses and increase winnings then DON’T BET ALL SPINS!

If you use RouleGENIUS Software we advise betting on spins that the software indicates a higher percentage of winning, but if you don’t have software – just bet 1 time every 3-4 spins.

This trick will definitely reduce your winnings. More about how to minimize your roulette losses you can find in secret 10 of the RouleGENIUS package.


FREE VIDEO Course about how to win at roulette

More about we reveal into the first FREE Video COURSE on the web about how to win at roulette. This course teaches you about the roulette algorithm and how it actually detects winnings predictions. Follow the FREE Course and increase your income. So if you like it, get our ELITE Package where we reveal secrets about how to reach 94.7% of winning! And that is NOT all: we also offer you 25 secrets to WIN at roulette and a full pdf guide!


ABOUT all Roulette Secrets: the 25 SECRETS to WIN at Roulette

Secret 2: How to WIN at Roulette?

Secret 7: What is the best Roulette Strategy?

Secret 11: How much time to play?  

Secret 13: The Best Roulette Software

Secret 14: The right moment to Leave Roulette

Secret 17: Which is the best roulette?

Secret 18&19: Rush Hours to play at roulette

Secret 22: How to detect and skip losing spins?

Secret 25: Play at roulette as a job

Useful Links that may interest you:

About RouleGENIUS: Which are the RouleGENIUS roulette software features?

About Configuration: Video Tutorials about how to configure RouleGENIUS Roulette Predictor

About Proofs: Winning Video proofs of using RouleGENIUS roulette software
FAQ Page: The most FREQUENT asked QUESTIONS from visitors

RouleGENIUS Roulette software is an innovative 2019 roulette predictor that gives winning predictions for ANY roulette.

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