FREE Course

#00 Lesson: Introduction to Roulette Video Course The first FREE Roulette Video Course in the WORLD for winning at roulette. My name is Anne, I’m a specialist in IT Management and Gambling Development, and also I’m the main manager of the RouleGENIUS Project which was ...
#01 Lesson: How does casino roulette work? The first FREE Video Course in the WORLD for winning at roulette. All roulette players join the roulette with a unique purpose: guess the winning number! Is this possible? To find that out we need to study the ...
#02 Lesson: Does the casino control the roulette game? #02 LESSON: Does the casino CONTROL the Winnings at Roulette? The first FREE Course in the WORLD for winning at roulette. As we told in the FIRST lesson: all roulette is a game, so there exists ...
#03 Lesson: The Casino does NOT pay for your Winnings! Fake Casino Payout! The first FREE Course in the WORLD for winning at roulette. Stop believing fake information about casino payout, it’s time that you know the truth! In lesson #02 we proved that 98% ...
#04 Lesson: How to win Real Money at Roulette? The first FREE Course in the WORLD for winning at roulette Most of you join the roulette without having a FIXED GOAL that wants to reach: you just want to “win money”, but how much? If ...
#05 Lesson: Who are the WINNERS at roulette? The first FREE Course in the WORLD for winning at roulette During the previous #04 Lesson we reveal to you that you can win at roulette as much money as other players lose, excluding the casino House ...
#06 Lesson: How to CHECK if Casino Roulette Online has money? The first FREE Course in the WORLD for winning at roulette As we revealed during the last lessons, roulette has a POCKET and you can NOT win as much as you want, you can ...
#07 Lesson: Final Conclusions to WIN at roulette (roulette tricks revealed) The first FREE Course in the WORLD for winning at roulette. It’s time to make some conclusions for each FREE Lesson of this course, so let’s deduct some roulette tricks that will help increase ...